Dynamic body-weight warm up: 10 x push-ups, 10 x hip heists, 10 x body-weight squats f0r 3 rounds, then:-

“Fitness Rings Circuit”

Can be done on fitness rings, Jungle Gym or TRX:-

4 rounds:-

  1. Body rows: 10-15 reps
  2. Dips: 10-15 reps
  3. Roll-0uts: 10-15 reps

Workout 2 for advanced:-

4 rounds:-

  1. No legs body rows: 3-6 reps
  2. Planche push-ups (feet in rings): 10-12 reps
  3. ‘L’ chin ups: 6 to 10 reps

Finisher:  Kettlebell double arm swings x 100 (go heavy)

Eischens Yoga

Jungle Gym Body Rows


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