Dynamic body-weight warm up for 3 rounds:- Hindu squats x 10, sit-outs x 10, push-ups x 10, then:-

5 rounds with 60 secs to 90 secs recovery between exercises:-

  1. Sprawl to sandbag zercher clean x 5
  2. Max effort plyo-push ups x 10


4 rounds with 60 secs to 90 secs recovery between exercises:-

  1. Squat thrust to kettlebell dead snatch x 10
  2. 24″ to 32″ Box jump x 6


4 rounds with 60 secs to 90 secs recovery between exercises:-

  1. Med ball slams x 15
  2. Max effort burpees x 8

Powerwheel roll outs x 50 in as few sets as possible



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