“Rest and Restoration”

Eischens Yoga for Alignment and Restoration Misalignments are weakened areas of the body and there are many ways that they are created; Sitting down too much Wearing the wrong shoes Sleeping Working out with high volumes of thigh and shoulder dominate exercises...

“Power Endurance”

5 to 10 mins general mobility, then:- 4 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest. Repeat 4 rounds:- The goal is 25 reps of the exercise in 1 minute or under. 1. Hindu Squats 2. Kettlebell single arm snatch or swings – left 3. Squat jumps or sprawls 4....

“Taming Tigers”

Jim Lawless – UK Free diving record holder, jockey and author of Taming Tigers Jim is one of the most inspirational and highly sought-after business speakers in Europe. He is an authority on change and personal development and has put his life on the line to...


Eischens Yoga For mobility and restoration do some or all of the following, don’t count reps, just practice perfect form:- Bear crawls >Handstands > cartwheels > handstand walking Skipping > sprinter lunges > skaters > hip heists > rolling...

“Rest, Alignment and Rejuvenation”

Eischens Yoga Eischens Yoga DVD Eischens yoga was created by Roger Eichens and it is designed to activate in-active areas of the body on a continual basis. It cannot be underestimated how powerful it is for improving all areas of your life. Alignment and Rejunenation...
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